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Named after a famous street in London where writers such as Thackeray, Dickens, and Mill used to gather, and where successful book publishers used to thrive. Today, The Strand is the largest non-commercialised bookstore in New York and is the sole survivor of Book Row. Founded in 1927, the Strand is famous for its huge inventory and collection, made up of about 18 miles (ca. 29 km) of books. 

My Team

Klara Moeckel
Brianna Valenzuela

My Role

Art Director

Motion Graphic


4 months



Premier Pro

After Effect

Adobe Audition


Strand is a historic part of NYC, but with the years it has lost the connection with new New Yorkers. So the question was how can we introduce starnd to new New Yorkers and make stay true to its history while connecting with people.


To create that connection, that spark, there are a lot of levels one need to interact on. This project will focus in a traditional TV add. Even though people barely watch any TV any more, streaming services such as Hulu, Peacock, and YouTube making it therefor highly relevant within the streaming world.  


  • It shows a close-up of a woman reading a vintage/used book with a dog on her lap. 

  • She closes the book and addresses the audience. 

  • “Well, hello, I didn’t see you there.” Sassy playful kind of sarcastic tone

  • Woman jumps up, and background changes to her coming out of the vintage thrift store and with arms full of bags

  • “Welcome to “New” (said kind of like a question mark) York, but you know, not everything needs to be new, it’s about finding the gems”  trails off with smug tone

  • She walks past the camera and at that moment it switches over to her sitting down at a cafe

  • Waitress walks up and places drink on table 

  • Woman takes a sip 

  • “And each gem has its own story to tell” (like my dress, its my grandmas/ its grandma material) 

  • Camera slides over to the wall with wall transition to her at Strand

  • Camera now shows her walking up to Strand

  • Camera cuts to her face and she looks at the audience and smiles

  • “Look at all these amazing treasures right in the middle of New York. You can't find these editions anywhere else.”

  • She bends down and it shows the row of books outside the strand, camera follows her hand as she glides her fingers over the titles and speaks

  • She pulls out a vintage book and 

  • “What better way to start your collection than at the Strand?, isn't that right, Mr. Darcy?”

  • Dog pops his head out of her bag

  • She walks into the Strand


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